Social Media Audit

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Social Media Audit


Not sure what social media channels to be on? Are you on social media and not finding success? Do you wish someone would step in and show you how to improve what you’re doing?

If you’re looking for help with your social media marketing I am here for you.

I will take a look at your social media channels, your business website, and your goals and we will craft a plan for improving what you have, or starting something new if it’s appropriate.

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How the Social Media Audit Works

After you have made your purchase you will be taken to a form to send me your details. Be as thorough as possible, because I can only help if I know what I have to work with.

I will review your social presence and record a custom video just for you about what I see, how that relates to the rest of the industry, and what you can do to improve upon your efforts so far. I want you to be successful, and will share my advice on how to get more return for your effort.

You will receive a custom private YouTube link with your video audit so that you don’t have to take notes.