FFC002: I Call Shenanigans
/Topics covered in this farm podcast:
Scott traveled to Iceland and Denmark
John tailoring FMS to different situations than New England farming
John disliking possessions/responsibilities as it relates to travel
Scott taking stock of possessions while moving, realizing there’s very little
Micromanagement and preventive measures to extend the life of possessions
Having “your name on something” resulting in high standards
Soylent follow-up: John had Soylent, Scott might not rebuy, case closed
John’s getting a root canal, Scott hadn’t been to a dentist in a long while, Dr. Oppenheimer
Mini excavators versus regular ones
Dr. Oppenheimer wants some chickens
We’re not yet very good at segues
John’s still post-meltdown
Recycling doesn’t matter? Sustainable farming doesn’t matter?
Chipotle is great. Scott even had it three meals in a row