Community Supported Agriculture

Community Supported Agriculture is more than just a sales technique. It is a guiding philosophy which can see you through your farming career – and something you can utilize even if you never run a CSA. If you think about the core sentiment of a CSA, it really is quite moving: Someone is willing to invest in you when you have nothing, so that both of you may gain. Those mutual bets can be applied no matter how you market your farm products.

To start and maintain that relationship, you have to build trust between your farm and your customers. Trust is built through communication and transparency. The good news is that a farmer has a serious competitive advantage – one that can set you apart in the market, help you acquire new customers, and keep them coming back for more.

That advantage is this: We can foster life in a beautiful setting, while simultaneously sequestering carbon and helping save the planet. No matter what type of operation you choose, there are regenerative practices and frameworks which allow you to provide food, fuel, and fiber while working in conjunction with nature – not against it.

Regenerative farmers work with nature, and nature is beautiful – sometimes, seemingly magical. Many studies have documented the positive effects of time spent in nature, as described in this paper on

Solve The Problem Of Nature

Even though the benefits of nature are clear, it is still challenging to convince people to visit farm country. How can you entice a city-dweller (or suburbanite) to experience more of nature? One of the best ways is by sharing photos, which let us openly and honestly show what we enjoy about working the land. With so few people experiencing nature in person, photos may be the best way to deepen our relationships with customers: Photos can help build the trust necessary to ensure continued business with them, and can even better our customers’ lives.

If your farming practices align with the holistic goals of a better tomorrow, then it’s likely you are already caring for baby chicks, nurturing seedlings, assessing the impact of your animals on the grass and ground, and building a balanced life that is in tune with the cycles of nature. In the Farm Marketing Solutions Mission Statement, we explore the difference between a leader and a boss: A boss tells you what to do; a leader shows you what to do, through her actions. We regenerative farmers are leaders in our field, showing people – through our actions – that we can feed ourselves, clothe ourselves, and keep ourselves warm, while still being good citizens of the planet. Now we must get better at sharing those practices.

farm photography

In the modern era, the most accessible and effective type of marketing is visual marketing – the sharing of your individual story through the visual media of photographs and video. With the recent advances in smartphone camera technology, and the popularity of photo-based social media, there has never been a better time for farmers to share their photos. And, given the worsening climate crisis, there may never have been a more important time for you to share your farm wisdom through photos. When you move chicken tractors, then photograph that process and share those photos with your customers, everyone wins.

With a single photograph, you can:

  • give someone a much-needed taste of nature

  • educate your customers about the delicious benefits of carbon sequestration

  • convert a potential customer – from being on the fence, into a paying customer

  • deepen your relationship with your existing customers

  • grow your email list

  • get ahead of that greenwashing competitor of yours

  • sell out your backlog of inventory

  • change the world

If you are interested in learning more about visual marketing and how to take better photos and videos, you can sign up for the Farm Marketing Solutions Email List; you’ll receive a free PDF download containing excerpts from John’s third book, Pastured Poultry Packet #2: Marketing Grass-fed Chicken and Eggs.

Honesty Through Transparency

The secret weapon that all farmers have is honesty through transparency. We share our stories through our photos. If a picture is worth a thousand words, then it is easy to tell a full story in just a few photographs. Through your everyday examples, show people why your methods are better for the plants, better for the animals, better for the people, and better for the planet. We need more photographic proof of the benefits of our regenerative practices. Embrace the change you are making, and do not be afraid to scream it from the mountain top – or from a well-managed pasture.

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Books To Help Build Farm Community

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Building A Story Brand

Clarify your message so customers will listen. This book will help you reach more people and build more relationships.

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marketing grass-fed chicken and eggs

Pastured Poultry Packet #2: Marketing Grass-Fed Chicken & Eggs

Marketing made easy. Examples and case studies from pastured poultry, but applicable no matter what you grow on your farm.

Purchase Your Copy Here